Well Being Bundle
Well Being Bundle
Non-member price: 500.00
Member price: 0.00
You save 100.0%
Our members are working tirelessly to serve their communities and mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. That effort wipes out a person’s reserves and we at APIC want to offer a small token of appreciation to all our members. This new, member-exclusive bundle has all four parts of IP Recharge: A Wellbeing Series in addition to a webinar co-hosted with Mt. Sinai Center for Stress, Resilience, and Personal Growth. We created these four opportunities for growth and connect to serve you, our valued member, during these unprecedented times. Each session is about 6 minutes, and this bundle is not eligible for contact hours.
https://apic.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/lina-trochez.jpgWell Being BundleBUN-IPWELL0.00500.00WEBINARSATrue 