2022 Heroes of APIC Part II - CANCELED
2022 Heroes of APIC Part II - CANCELED
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2022 Heroes of APIC Part II
Originally scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2022 @ 1 pm ET. Webinar canceled - might be postponed
Jodie Leonard, BS, RN, CIC & Patrick Gordon, BIDMC

Presentation #1: Title: Pandemic Management in a Rural Setting: How One Little Town Succeeded By: Jodie Leonard, BS, RN, CIC As a small rural area of Colorado, little resources are available during emergencies. Using a unified command approach with our health system and local government agencies, we were able to have a consistent and rapid response to the COVID pandemic, while being the nation’s 3rd highest case count per capita during March of 2020. As the Operations Section Chief, I helped mobilize several facets of the response to hasten triage, keep the public educated, update changes in guidelines, and reduce lives lost.

BD is pleased to support the APIC Heroes of Infection Prevention Program and the outstanding and essential work of the Heroes honorees in the field of infection prevention.


  • Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (APIC) is accredited with distinction as a provider of continuing nursing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
  • Nursing Contact Hours: XX (not always applicable as not all webinars are eligible)
  • To get CNE for a webinar, you must attend the program in its entirety and complete an on-line evaluation of it. Your feedback is not only required by our CNE accrediting body, but it is vital to development of future programming that best meets learners' needs. We read every word you write.
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